Amid a deadlock with the government over the new farm laws, various farmer unions have called for a Bharat Bandh on December 8. With no sign of any agreement between the government and the protesting farmers even after the fifth round of talks on Saturday, the next meeting is scheduled for December 9. Before another meeting could take place to resolve the impasse, the farm unions called for a nationwide bandh, which is being supported by a number of opposition parties and other bodies.
Since the work at major wholesale vegetable and fruit markets is likely to be hampered, the supply of the commodities will take a hit. "Delhi's Azadpur Mandi and all other mandis in the city to remain closed tomorrow, in support of 'Bharat Bandh' call made by farmers," said Adil Ahmed Khan, Chairman, Azadpur Mandi.
ALSO READ | A look at what may be affected during Bharat Bandh
Meanwhile, the Centre has asked all states and Union Territories to tighten security, while asserting that peace and tranquility must be maintained on that day. The Union Home Ministry, in a countrywide advisory, said the state governments and UT administrations must ensure that the COVID-19 guidelines issued with regard to health and social distancing are strictly followed.
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