Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Saturday met state Governor Kalraj Mishra. Though this visit was said to be courtesy visit, Gehlot handed over list of Rajasthan MLAs supporting him. He has also handed over a list of parties who have extended support to him. Sources told India TV that Ashok Gehlot has support from 102 MLAs. This just 1 more than the number required to save his government. The meeting between Gehlot and Mishra lasted for about 45 minutes.
The political battle in Rajasthan has not yet reached its final conclusion but Gehlot's hand appears to be stronger as of now. Sachin Pilot has been stripped of the Deputy Chief Ministerial post and although he has claimed support from 30 MLAs, there have not been sizeable and desicive political blows to the Gehlot government so far.
On Saturday, MLAs supporting Sachin Pilot camp were shifted from Manesar (Haryana) to a five-star hotel in New Delhi.
On Friday, the Special Operations Group constituted by the Rajasthan Police had gone to the hotel in Manesar to take voice sample of Congress MLA whose voice was purportedly heard in an audio clip of phone call made to allegedly horse trade state MLAs.
Congress has already upped the ante on the audio clip. the party has demanded the resignation of Union Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat whose voice has also been allegedly heard in the clip.
Congress MLA Bhanwarlal Sharma and Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, both have denied that voices heard in the audio clip were theirs. Sharma has been suspended from the Congress.