A woman shocked by the death of her husband, who was in the Indian Army, committed suicide by jumping into the well on the outskirts of Ranchi on Thursday morning, the police said. According to the police, Maneeta Oraon, wife of Bajrang Bhagat, 29, committed suicide by jumping into the well in her village Channo, which is 40 km from Ranchi.
Bajrang Bhagat died on December 30 at Jammu, where he was posted. His dead body was brought to the village in the evening on January 1.
The last cremation was scheduled for Thursday. She was shocked by the death of her husband.
The woman's body has been sent for post-mortem.
Manetta was married to Bajrang for the two years ago. They had no issue.
According to the villagers, the sister-in-law of Maneeta used to taunt her for having no children. After the death of her husband, she found herself helpless and decided to commit suicide, the police said.
Bajrang had joined the Indian Army in 2012. He was transferred to Jammu from Maharashtra three months ago. He died after falling from the bed. Police have started to probe the reason for his death.
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