Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Thursday participated in the No Confidence Motion in Lok Sabha and said that the discussion till now have proved that there is no real issue with the Opposition. Earlier in the day, Rahul Gandhi launched a broadside against the Narendra Modi government over its handling of the violence in Manipur while addressing the No-Confidence Motion discussion.
"There is not a no-confidence in the PM and this government in the country...This no-confidence motion has been brought only to create a delusion," Shah said and added, "People and Parliament trust Prime Minister Narendra Modi."
"After Independence, PM Modi's govt is only there which won the trust of most of the people. PM Modi is the most popular leader among the public. PM Modi works tirelessly for the people of the country. He works continuously for 17 hours a day, without taking a single leave. People trust him," Amit Shah added.
"PM Modi govt took some historic decisions and ended dynasties and graft. UPA's character is to protect power but NDA fights to protect principle," he added.
Speaking on the second day of the debate on the no-confidence motion in Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi, in his first comments in the House after the restoration of his membership, also slammed Prime Minister Modi for not visiting Manipur and alleged that the PM does not consider the state a part of India, evoking strong protest by the treasury benches.
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The former Congress chief also alleged that the Prime Minister listens to only two people, Amit Shah and Gautam Adani, just as Ravan paid heed to only two people's advice -- Meghnad and Kumbhakaran.
"As I had said, India is a voice of the people. You killed that voice in Manipur. This means that you murdered Bharat Mata in Manipur," Gandhi asserted amid thumping of desks by opposition leaders.
"By killing the people of Manipur you have murdered Bharat, you are not desh bhakt (patriot) but deshdrohi (traitor)," the former Congress chief said.