New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Tuesday launched the BHARATPOL portal in Delhi, enabling law enforcement agencies (LEAs) across India to access real-time information for quicker international police assistance. Developed by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), the BHARATPOL portal was launched at an event being organised at Bharat Mandapam. It is part of several key initiatives by the central government to strengthen the country's law enforcement capabilities.
During the event, Amit Shah said, "'Bharatpol' has been launched here today. Bharatpol will take our country's international investigations to a new era. CBI was the only agency identified to work with the Interpol but with the launch of Bharatpol, every Indian agency and all states' police will easily be able to connect with the Interpol... We will be able to bridge gaps and work efficiently to control crime..."
The portal aims to facilitate Indian LEAs enabling real-time information sharing for faster access to international police assistance.
The CBI, as the National Central Bureau (NCB-New Delhi) for INTERPOL in India, facilitates international cooperation in criminal matters in collaboration with various agencies across the country, including law enforcement agencies.
At the Central, State, and Union Territory levels, this coordination is executed through INTERPOL Liaison Officers (ILOs), who are further linked to Unit Officers (UOs) at the level of Superintendents of Police, Commissioners of Police and Branch Heads, within their respective organizations.
Presently, communications among the CBI, ILOs, and UOs primarily rely on letters, emails and faxes.
The growing footprint of transnational crimes including cyber-crime, financial crimes, online radicalization, organized crimes, drug trafficking, human trafficking etc, necessitates rapid and real-time international assistance in criminal investigations. To address this challenge, CBI has developed the BHARATPOL Portal, accessible through its official website, which will bring all the stakeholders on a common platform.
The BHARATPOL portal will streamline the processing of all requests for international assistance through INTERPOL, including the issuance of Red Notices and other colour-coded INTERPOL notices.
The portal will become a transformative tool for field-level police officers, enhancing their efficiency in dealing with crimes and security challenges. By facilitating easier and faster access to international assistance, it will strengthen India's efforts in combating transnational crimes.
In the event, Shah would also be presenting Police Medals to 35 CBI officers/officials, who have been awarded the President's Police Medal for Distinguished Service and the Union Home Minister's Medal for Excellence in Investigation.
(With Inputs From ANI)