Replying to questions from India TV Chairman and Editor-in-Chief Rajat Sharma in his iconic TV show 'Aap Ki Adalat', AAP MP Raghav Chadha dismissed Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi's claim that he was running Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann's government via "remote control." Chadha clarified that Punjab is run by remote control, but that remote control is in the hands of the people."
When asked about Rahul Gandhi's allegation that 'RC' means 'Remote Control' and 'RC' means 'Raghav Chadha', and that he was running Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann's government in Punjab through "remote control", the AAP MP replied: "I agree Punjab is run by remote control but that remote control is in the hands of the people. The people change the channels whenever they want, and at present this channel (AAP) will continue, God willing. My party has entrusted me with the work of helping my big brother Bhagwant Mann ji as his adviser, and I am discharging my responsibility. With Bhagwant Mann ji, I have a "pyaara rishta" (nice bonding). He was my first friend when he joined Aam Aadmi Party in 2014."
On Akali Dal leader Daljit Singh Cheema describing him as Punjab's Super CM, Raghav Chadha smiled and said: "I am Super Sewadar of Punjab, not a Super CM."
Raghav Chadha reveals why he was missing during Kejriwal's arrest
When India TV Editor-in-Chief Rajat Sharma asked him why he was absent for 71 days when the then Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was arrested and sent to jail. In reply, the AAP MP said, "Let me tell you the truth. The fact is, I had a lecture scheduled at the London School of Economics in the first week of March. Then I had to undergo preventive eye surgery to fix some retina spots...After I recovered, I returned and spent the month of May campaigning for our party in Delhi and Punjab. By levelling false allegations against me, people were trying to end my 13-year-old political journey ...I can only say, 'Do not strive to make your presence felt, make your absence felt'."