The coronavirus situation in Delhi is fast improving and recoveries have also increased, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said today. "COVID-19 situation in Delhi is not terrible as predicted one month ago, the situation is under control", Kejriwal said. "We've increased the number of tests. There is a good indication, earlier around 31 out of 100 people whose samples were collected tested positive for Coronavirus. Today, 13 out of 100 people test positive."
Addressing an online media briefing, the Delhi chief minister said the situation is not "terrible" as predicted one month ago.
He said it was predicted that there will be 60,000 active cases in the city by June 30, but at present, the number of active cases is around 26,000.
"The COVID-19 situation is under control. In Delhi, the number of people recovering from coronavirus is also increasing," the chief minister said.