Maharashtra's Deputy Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Sunday described the results of the 2024 state assembly elections as a "slap on the face" of his political opponents. His remarks came as he responded to criticisms from leaders who had attacked the Election Commission and the Supreme Court. Shinde made the statement while welcoming several leaders from Shiv Sena (UBT) into his faction, further emphasizing his party’s growing strength.
Shinde takes a jab at Uddhav Thackeray
In the recently concluded Maharashtra Assembly elections, the BJP, Shiv Sena, and Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) alliance, known as 'Mahayuti', secured a resounding victory, winning 230 out of 288 seats. Shinde's faction of Shiv Sena claimed 57 seats, while Uddhav Thackeray's Shiv Sena (UBT) managed only 20 seats—a major setback for the former Chief Minister.
Shinde, without directly naming Uddhav Thackeray, criticized those who had earlier expressed confidence in the support of the public, saying, "The people of Maharashtra have completely rejected them."
Public rejection of criticism
He further hit out at the leaders from Shiv Sena (UBT) who had previously leveled harsh criticism against the Election Commission and the Supreme Court. "The public has delivered a clear message," Shinde said. "They have been entirely rejected by the voters."
Shinde also reflected on his tenure as the Chief Minister for two and a half years, claiming that his leadership had ushered in significant progress and development for the state.
Shinde cites strong electoral showing
Shinde pointed to the resounding success of the 'Mahayuti' alliance, particularly highlighting the fact that his faction of Shiv Sena had surpassed the 200-seat mark—a claim he had made earlier during the campaign. "I had said that if we didn’t win over 200 seats, I would return to my village and take up farming. But we won over 230 seats," Shinde said.
He also used the opportunity to stress that the influx of leaders from Shiv Sena (UBT) into his faction was a sign of his party's strengthening position. "This shows that our party is only getting stronger," Shinde added. "The vision of Shiv Sena founder Bal Thackeray continues to inspire us and is the cornerstone of our continued success."
Shinde’s remarks come at a time when his faction of Shiv Sena appears to be consolidating its position in the state's political landscape, further solidifying his leadership after the party split in 2022.
As Shinde's faction continues to grow, the Shiv Sena (UBT), led by Uddhav Thackeray, faces challenges in regrouping after a poor electoral showing. With several leaders crossing over to Shinde's camp, it remains to be seen how the political dynamics in Maharashtra will evolve in the run-up to future elections.