A horrific accident occurred near Ambedkar Nagar on Kurla West Railway Station Road in Maharashtra, where a Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport (BEST) bus ran over pedestrians on Monday evening. As per the information, three people were killed and around twenty others sustained injuries. The injured people have been rushed to Sion and Kurla Bhabha hospitals for treatment.
Initial reports suggest the accident happened due to brake failure. The incident took place near Buddha Colony in Ambedkar Nagar as the BEST bus was travelling from Kurla Station to Andheri. According to an official, the driver of the BEST bus on route number 332 lost control over the wheel and dashed into pedestrians as well as some vehicles. The BEST undertaking's bus then crashed into the gates of a residential society and came to a halt, he said.
Authorities are investigating the exact cause of the accident and efforts are underway to provide medical assistance to the victims.
Similar incident in Mumbai
In a similar incident in September this year, at least nine pedestrians were injured when a drunk passenger grabbed the steering wheel of a BEST bus during an argument with its driver, an official said. The driver of the bus lost control over the wheel due to the passenger’s action and the vehicle knocked down pedestrians, cars and two-wheelers in the city’s Lalbaugh area, the official added.