In a shocking incident, two cars with the same number plates were spotted near the iconic Taj Mahal Palace hotel at Colaba in south Mumbai on Monday. The police arrested an accused for forging the number plate of a car. The accused was identified as Prasad Chandrakant Kadam (38), who is a driver.
What was the reason behind the forged number plate?
According to the police, Kadam had forged the number plate to ensure his vehicle was not seized by a finance company from which he had taken a loan.
Kadam, after being arrested, has said his car was towed away two times earlier by the finance company for non-payment of instalments, the official added.
How has the matter surfaced?
Sakir Ali, owner of another car, noticed that his vehicle was getting traffic violation e-challans regularly. Realising something fishy, he pursued the matter and this afternoon found a car with the same number plate as that of his vehicle at Colaba.
"The complainant confronted Kadam, who was in the car with the fake number plate, and then police brought both vehicles to Colaba police station. A case under Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita was registered on Ali's complaint and Kadam was arrested," the official informed.
Sakir Ali stays at Nariman Point and has an Ertiga with the number plate MH01 EE 2388. He is the original owner of the car.
"Today, Ali was in front of Gateway of India where he found another Ertiga car with the same model and number plate. He informed the nearby RTO. Both the cars were brought to Colaba Police Station. During the investigation, it was found that Kadam (resident of Seawoods, Navi Mumbai) had made changes to his car's number plate intentionally because he had taken a car loan from Chola Mandlam and he was unable to pay the loan. The investigation is underway," the Colaba Police said.
(With agencies inputs)