Pune Rural Police confiscated a high-end car, a licensed Pistol and three bullets from Manorama Khedkar's Pune residence on Friday. Manorama Khedkar, mother of controversial IAS probationer Puja Khedkar, was arrested in a case of allegedly threatening some persons by brandishing a gun over a land dispute, officials said. She was apprehended early morning from Mahad in Maharashtra's Raigad district, an official said.
Manorama Khedkar was hiding in a lodge at Hirkaniwadi in Mahad, according to the police. After being apprehended, Manorama Khedkar was brought to the Paud police station in Pune district.
The Paud police in Pune rural have booked the Khedkar couple and five others under the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita (BNS) sections, including 323 (dishonest or fraudulent removal or concealment of property), and relevant provisions of the Arms act.
Puja Khedkar is under scrutiny for her claims regarding disability and Other Backward Class (OBC) certificates in her Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) candidature, as well as her conduct during tenure at the Pune collector's office.
Amid the row, the government on Tuesday put on hold the 'district training program' of Puja Khedkar, who was earlier transferred to Washim as a supernumerary assistant collector from Pune, as she was summoned back to the Mussoorie-based Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration for "necessary action".
The Pune Anti-Corruption Bureau unit has received a complaint seeking an open inquiry against Puja Khedkar's father Dilip Khedkar, a retired government office, in connection with alleged disproportionate assets, a senior official said on Wednesday.