In a heart-wrenching incident, a man in Maharashtra’s Parbhani district allegedly burnt his wife alive after she gave birth to three girls. The man involved in the heinous crime has been identified as Kundlik Uttam Kale who burnt his wife, Maina Kundlik.
Reportedly, Kale was angry that he had three daughters one after the other. This triggered fights and disruptions in the atmosphere of their house on a daily basis.
Based on the complaint of the deceased woman’s sister, Bhagyashree, a case has been registered at the Kotwali police station of the district. The couple’s three daughters are aged six, four and one. In the complaint, it was mentioned that Kale tortured Maina regularly for not having a son.
On Thursday, around 8:00 pm at night, her sister found Maina in a burnt condition. Soon after she was admitted to a government hospital but succumbed to her injuries on Friday.
Police arrest the husband:
The police have registered a case under Section 103 (punishment for murder) of Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) and have arrested the husband.
Reportedly, the woman, while she was set on fire, sought help from nearby shops and other houses which also came under the blaze.