Ths Maharashtra government during its cabinet meeting took a big decision on Thursday and said 4,800 hectares of land which was in the possession of the state government will be returned to the farmers. CM Fadnavis made this decision for the farmers in the first cabinet of the new year. He said due to government dues, this land of the farmers was in the possession of the government. He said the government had acquired 4,849 acres of land and now this land belongs to the Maharashtra government but will return the farmers.
Deputy Chief Minister Eknath Shinde also announced that 4,800 hectares of land which was in the possession of the state government will be returned to the farmers.
"In the state cabinet meeting, a big decision has been taken in the best interests of farmers. Almost 4,800 hectares of land which was in the possession of the government will be returned to the farmers...This is a historic decision and will benefit the farmers a lot," Shinde told reporters after the cabinet meeting held in Mumbai.
Earlier today, Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis announced that the state government is implementing a security system for the safety of the Mantralaya, the secretariat.
"We are creating a security system for the safety of the Mantralaya... Under this, every person who comes to the Mantralay will be given a pass. When the person leaves, he/she will have to return the pass," CM Fadnavis told reporters after a cabinet meeting in Mumbai.
He further said that just like Aadhaar is a unique ID, it has been decided to create an ID for work. "A unique ID will be created for each work," he said.