Mumbai fire: In a tragic incident, an elderly person was killed after a massive fire broke out at a high-rise building in Mumbai's Andheri on Monday night. As per the information, the incident occurred on the 11th and 12th floors of the Skypan Apartments, located off Link Road, opposite Laxmi Industrial Estate in Mumbai's Andheri West. Following the incident, firefighters immediately responded to the incident and deployed eight fire engines to bring the blaze under control.
Despite their efforts, a 75-year-old man succumbed to the incident. According to the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC), the fire was confined to electric wiring, electric installation, household articles etc. in a flat of the building. More details are awaited.
Firing near P D'Mello Road in Mumbai
In a separate incident, an incident of firing has been reported from P D'Mello Road in Mumbai, said police officials. The incident took place at around 10.30 pm on Monday. According to the Mumbai Police, a person has sustained injuries in the incident and a bag with valuables has also been stolen from the spot. The police officials are currently present at the spot and they have registered a First Information Report (FIR) in this regard. An investigation is underway in the case.
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