Another shocking incident has come to limelight in Nagpur on Wednesday where a 25-year-old engineering student named as Utkarsh Dhakhole allegedly killed his parents following disagreements over his education and career. Police said the crime took place on 26 December but was discovered on Wednesday after neighbours reported a foul smell coming from the house.
Reports suggest that Utkarsh confessed to the murders after being arrested. The victims were identified as 55-year-old Liladhar Dhakhole, a technician and social worker, and his 50-year-old wife Aruna, who was a teacher.
Giving details, DCP (Zone V) Niketan Kadam said, "Utkarsh allegedly strangled his mother, a teacher, around noon on 26 December and later stabbed his father, a technician at a power plant and social worker, to death when he returned home around 5 pm. Later, he left the bodies there and fled from the spot."
DCP, Zone 5, Nagpur City, Niketan Kadam has said that on the morning of January 1, the control room received a call that there were two dead bodies in a house in Kapil Nagar area. The police have arrested Utkarsh Dakhole in this case and are further investigating the matter.
Police said the motive behind the killings could be disagreement over Utkarsh’s poor academic performance. Soon after committing the crime, Utkarsh took his college-going sister to their uncle’s house, claiming their parents had gone to Bengaluru for a meditation programme. He stayed at the uncle’s place with his sister, who was unaware of the murders.