Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis has directed the state transport department officials to enforce policies for scrapping all vehicles above 15 years of age. According to a release issued by the Chief Minister's Office on Monday, CM Fadnavis gave the order in a meeting conducted to review the next 100-day action plans for the Transport, Ports, and State Airport Authority departments at the Sahyadri Guest House.
13,000 outdated government vehicles to be scrapped
The Chief Minister emphasised the need for scrapping all vehicles older than 15 years, both public and private.
As per the release, more than 13,000 outdated government vehicles will be scrapped, and the state transport corporation's buses older than 15 years will be replaced or retrofitted with the LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) and CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) kits to improve performance.
The CM also outlined plans for the state’s electric vehicle (EV) policy, which is set to be released within the next three years, the release said. Fadnavis also instructed the transport department to introduce bike taxi and maxi cab services to enhance urban mobility. He stressed the importance of formulating Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to ensure the safety of buses, especially in accident-prone ghat regions, the release added.
Fadnavis asks to use AI for road safety measures
The Chief Minister also directed the state transport department to enhance the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to reduce road accidents and improve overall safety.
Highlighting the recent agreement signed between the Maharashtra government and Google, the CM emphasised leveraging this collaboration to incorporate AI-driven solutions, aiming to bolster the sector's security, sustainability, and efficiency.
(With PTI inputs)
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