Madhya Pradesh Police transfer: Amid ongoing raids in Madhya Pradesh, a major reshuffle has taken place in Lokayukta police. The state government on Sunday issued the orders to appoint six inspectors and 28 policemen in the Lokayukta. This comes days after the transfer of 34 police personnel including four Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP), six inspectors and 24 constables, who were posted in the Lokayukta for a long time.
These inspectors got posted in Lokayukta
- Inspector Satturam Marawi from Jabalpur district, newly posted in Lokayukta Organization Bhopal
- Inspector Shashi Kala Maskale from Mandla district to Lokayukta Organization Bhopal
- Inspector Dinesh Kumar Bhojhak from Ratlam district to Lokayukta Organization Bhopal
- Acting Inspector Balram Singh from 14 C Battalion Gwalior to Lokayukta Organization Bhopal
- Inspector Anand Chauhan from PTC Indore to Lokayukta Organization Bhopal
- Inspector Jitendra Yadav from Pandhurna district to Lokayukta Organization Bhopal
These constables, head constables and acting head constables have been posted to Lokayukta
MP Lokayukta finds wealth worth crores from constable's premises
On December 19, Lokayukta police raided the properties of Lokayukta's Special Police Establishment (SPE) and searched former constable Saurabh Sharma in Bhopal, seizing assets worth Rs 7.98 crore, including Rs 2.87 crore in cash and 234 kg of silver.
Earlier, a significant discovery was made when 52 kg of gold and Rs 11 crore in cash were found in an abandoned car on the outskirts of Bhopal. Saurabh Sharma, a constable in the transport department, became the center of attention after such vast wealth was found in his possession, prompting further raids at his relatives' residences. The police action continues as investigations unfold. According to reports, Saurabh Sharma was monitoring the entire raid operation from Dubai.
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