In a shocking revelation, online fraudsters have duped residents of Indore of Rs 60 crore in 2024, according to Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (ADCP) Rajesh Dandotia. Among the victims are highly educated professionals, including a former judge of the Madhya Pradesh High Court.
“This year, we received over 10,000 complaints of cyber fraud. Fraudsters appropriated Rs 60 crore from victims, but we managed to retrieve and return Rs 12.5 crore,” ADCP Dandotia said on Monday. He further revealed that 52 individuals involved in these crimes have been arrested.
The cybercrime landscape has seen a significant uptick in certain categories of fraud. “Approximately 25% of the complaints were related to cryptocurrency investments, a growing area of concern,” Dandotia noted. Another emerging threat has been the rise in ‘digital arrest’ scams, where fraudsters impersonate authorities to extort money.
The financial losses reported this year highlight the vulnerability of even well-informed citizens to such schemes. “Victims included professionals and even a former judge of the Madhya Pradesh High Court,” Dandotia said, emphasizing the sophistication of these cybercriminals.
To combat the menace, police have identified 55 locations across the country as cyber fraud hotspots. These areas are predominantly located in states such as Jharkhand, Bihar, West Bengal, Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan, and Gujarat.
“We are focusing on these high-risk zones to dismantle networks of fraudsters. The identification of such areas will help streamline preventive measures and enhance cross-state collaboration in tackling cybercrime,” Dandotia added.
With cyber frauds becoming increasingly complex, the Indore Police have urged citizens to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity. Awareness campaigns are being intensified to educate the public about recognizing potential scams.
The retrieval of Rs 12.5 crore is a significant step forward in providing justice to victims. However, the scale of losses underscores the urgent need for stronger cybersecurity measures and stricter enforcement against such crimes.
Authorities are hopeful that continued efforts and community cooperation will reduce the prevalence of cyber fraud in the coming years.