The Bhopal District Magistrate on Monday issued an order prohibiting begging and giving alms in public places within the district jurisdiction. Bhopal Collector Kaushalendra Vikram Singh issued an order to completely ban any kind of begging within the Bhopal district under Section 183 of the Indian Civil Defense Code 2023.
According to the order of the Bhopal Collector, begging is a social menace. In the Bhopal district, people from other states and cities are also involved in this type of begging, many of whom also have a criminal history, the order stated. The announcement came after a similar decision was taken by Indore.
Criminal activities under guise of begging
Many criminal activities are also conducted under the guise of begging. There is also a possibility of accidents due to begging at traffic signals. The order stated that giving anything as alms or buying any kind of goods from beggars is prohibited. Legal action will also be taken against the person who provides or gives anything to the beggars as alms or wants to buy any goods from them for violating this order.
Shelter homes reserved for beggars
The Bhopal District Collector and Municipal Corporation have also reserved night shelters for such beggars. After the order of the collector, the shelter house located at Community Health Center Kolar is reserved as a beggar house for the beggars to stay after relocating. Apart from CCTV cameras, the Municipal Corporation and the administration will also cooperate in catching the beggars present on the streets and intersections of the capital Bhopal.