6. Headstand (Salamba Sirsasana)
This pose is an energizing inversion. It stimulates the pituitary gland, which governs blood pressure, regulates water in the body, metabolism, sex organ function and thyroid function. Include Head Stand in your practice often and hold it for as long as you can to gain the most benefit.
Steps for headstand
You can do this pose against a wall.
1. Place your forearms with your fingers interlocked and elbows in front of knees on the mat.
2. Place the crown of your head between the interlocked fingers. Wrap the hands around the head to make a firm support to protect your head.
3. Lift the knees and buttocks off the floor and straighten the legs.
4. Slowly walk the feet as close as possible to the head. Transfer your body weight from the toes on the head and arms, maintaining balance.
5. Raise one leg at a time, to reach the wall.
6. Slowly straighten the whole body, as it should be in one straight line, with your feet relaxed.
7. Close your eyes and relax in this pose.
8. When done return to the starting position.