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Is walking 10,000 steps a day a substitute for workout? Know what expert has to say

Know whether walking 10,000 steps a day can replace a traditional workout. Learn insights from experts on the benefits and limitations of this popular fitness goal.

Written By: Muskan Gupta @guptamuskan_ New Delhi Updated on: June 26, 2024 11:01 IST
walking 10,000 steps
Image Source : FREEPIK Know if walking 10,000 steps a substitute for workout

In recent times, our bodies are increasingly becoming hosts to numerous serious diseases due to deteriorating lifestyles. The primary culprits are irregular eating habits and a lack of exercise. However, awareness about fitness and the importance of regular workouts has grown significantly. A popular trend today is the goal of walking 10,000 steps daily. Many believe that achieving this daily step count ensures fitness and health, negating the need for gym workouts or additional exercises. But how accurate is this belief? To find out, we consulted Dr. Ravi Prakash, Senior Consultant of Cardiology at PSRI Hospital, New Delhi. Let's explore his insights on whether walking 10,000 steps daily can truly replace a workout regimen.

Is Walking a Complete Substitute for Other Workouts?

According to Dr. Ravi Prakash, walking 10,000 steps daily is advantageous, it does not replace all forms of exercise. Specifically, it cannot substitute for resistance exercises like weight training, which are essential for building muscle mass. Walking alone cannot strengthen muscles; weight training is necessary for that purpose.

Therefore, to achieve a well-rounded fitness routine, it is important to incorporate weight training and stretching exercises at least twice a week. This ensures that all body parts are adequately exercised and that overall fitness is maintained.

Benefits of Walking 10,000 Steps Daily

With the rise of smartwatches and mobile apps, tracking daily steps has become easier and more popular. These tools help individuals monitor their physical activity and calorie burn. Walking, a simple yet effective form of cardio, offers several health benefits:

  • Heart Health: Regular walking keeps the heart healthy and helps in reducing bad cholesterol levels.
  • Accessibility: Walking is an exercise that can be done by anyone, anywhere, and at any age.
  • Calorie Burn: Walking 10,000 steps roughly equates to about 8 kilometres, burning approximately 500 calories. This contributes to maintaining a healthy weight and overall well-being.

Walking 10,000 steps a day is a healthy habit that supports cardiovascular health and helps in maintaining an active lifestyle. However, it is not a comprehensive substitute for a full workout regimen. Resistance exercises and stretching are crucial for muscle strength and overall fitness. Combining walking with these additional exercises will provide the best health benefits and ensure a balanced approach to fitness.

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