A magical hug full of love can solve even the biggest problems. It not only reduces stress but is also helpful in curing many diseases. Science also believes that hugging boosts mood and keeps you happy. Let us know on this Hug Day how you can stay mentally and physically happy by hugging.
What is the connection between hugging and love?
Hugging releases the "love hormone" oxytocin, which increases social bonding, trust, love and empathy. According to research by Medicine Net, hugging relieves loneliness and reduces stress. It releases several happy hormones:
- Dopamine - Makes you feel happy and satisfied.
- Serotonin - Improves mood and reduces anxiety.
- Oxytocin - Improves heart health by reducing stress. Oxytocin is also helpful in weight control, blood pressure balance and strengthening immunity.
Health benefits of hugging
- Hugging causes a rapid release of endorphins, which are natural pain relievers. It provides a soothing effect to the body.
- Hugs release oxytocin, which reduces the stress hormone cortisol. It also reduces chronic stress, leading to long-term health benefits.
- According to research by Medicine Net, hugging is a positive physical interaction, which strengthens immunity.
- Hugging helps control blood pressure and regulates heart rate, thereby improving heart health.
Mental health benefits of hugging
- Hugging releases endorphins, which are a natural mood enhancer. It increases happiness and makes you feel good.
- Hugging provides emotional support, which helps in reducing anxiety and depression. It helps maintain mental balance.
- Hugs are an effective way to express love, empathy and trust. It deepens relationships and promotes good mental health.
According to "Mother of Family Therapy", Virginia Satir, 8 hugs a day are necessary to stay mentally healthy and 12 hugs a day are necessary for good health.