Life in metro cities is getting hectic day by day. Our daily schedule is becoming so stressful that we barely get time for ourselves.
Often we experience a situation where we find ourselves feeling lethargic or exhausted throughout the day. Usually we assume that this might be because we didn't have a proper sleep the previous night but the reason could actually be something different and alarming.
If you feel sluggish, despite having proper sleep in the night then this can be cured by a sound sleep and some exercises in next couple of days but if this situation continues to exist, then it is a sign of a serious trouble. This could be an indication of ‘chronic fatigue'.
Chronic fatigue usually happens after a tragedy, flu or sometimes because of inadequate sleep.
It is usually seen amongst women as most women tend to ignore it till it turns into a serious disease sometimes leading to depression.
Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue
Irregular menstruation cycle
Mental and physical fatigue
Feeling exhausted despite of getting proper sleep
Pain in muscles whenever you try to do any physical activity
You feel stressed most of the time
Lack of energy and getting short tempered
You feel hungry all the time/increase in appetitie
Urge to have more desserts or carbohydrates enriched food
You tend to get dependent on tea/coffee in the noon
You feel energized in the evening where as you feel lethargic in the morning
Tips to prevent/cure chronic fatigue
Drink minimum of 2 ltr water in a day: According to a research, our body contains 80% of water. Deficiency of water in our body can result in fatigue.
Avoid excess intake of tea/coffee: Tea/coffee increases the sugar level in our blood, which can cause lethargy.
Never say no to your breakfast: According to nutritionists, the dinner we have helps our body to build cells. So, our body requires food in the morning, failing which our body starts feeling fatigued.
Avoid using smart phones at night: We are so habitual of our phones that we can't imagine a day without them. Using smart phones at night results in less amount of sleep which causes inertia the next day.
Exercise: The best way to avoid fatigue is to exercise regularly as it increases energy level. Infact, to keep ourselves fresh throughtout the day, a walk for atleast 20 minutes is a must.