Winter tends to make everyone lazy and hence, people end up performing less physical activity. This causes purine levels in the body to increase which eventually elevates your uric acid levels. When uric acid increases in your body, it can lead to joint pain and swelling. Increase in uric acid also leads you to binge on unhealthy foods which can again contribute to joint pain, knee pain and other problems. People take medicines to control their uric acid levels and some people also resort to home remedies. However, there's this one way which can help you control your uric acid levels without medicines or home remedies. And that is yoga! Performing yoga daily can help in managing your uric acid levels. There are several yoga asanas that can help you manage certain health conditions and lowering uric acid levels.
Yoga poses that can reduce uric acid:
This pose is also known as Cobra Pose. This asana is also one of the 12 yoga postures of Surya Namaskar. Performing this asana helps to strengthen the muscles. It also adds pressure which helps in weight loss and lowers the levels of uric acid deposits in the body.
Setu Bandhasana
This pose is also known as Bridge Pose. This asana helps to strengthen the core muscles. It also increases blood circulation and removes toxic substances that accumulate in the body. This also helps reduce stress and keeps the body active.
Ardha Matsyendrasana
This pose is also known as the Seated Twist Pose. This asana helps to detox the body by removing the toxins. It also helps to reduce uric acid. This asana also helps to stretch the leg muscles which reduces pain and cramps.
This pose is also known as the Easy Pose. This asana helps to relax the body. It can also improve your posture and digestion. It also helps in removing the excess uric acid in the body. This yoga asana is helpful for both your mental as well as physical health.
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