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Skipping Meals to Drinking Calories: 5 common diet mistakes that can cause weight gain

Shedding pounds requires dedication and a healthy approach to food. But even the most committed dieters can stumble into habits that hinder weight loss. Here are 5 common mistakes that can cause weight gain, and how to avoid them.

Written By: Rahul Pratyush @29_pratyush New Delhi Published on: June 26, 2024 16:06 IST
diet mistakes weight gain
Image Source : SHUTTERSTOCK 5 common diet mistakes that can cause weight gain

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is a goal shared by many, but navigating the complexities of diet and nutrition can be challenging. Despite the best intentions, it's easy to fall into habits that can hinder progress and lead to unintended weight gain. Understanding the nuances of healthy eating and recognising potential pitfalls is essential for anyone on a weight management journey. By being aware of common dietary challenges and learning how to overcome them, you can make more informed choices that support your long-term health and wellness goals. Here are five common diet mistakes that can lead to weight gain.

Skipping meals: 

You might think skipping breakfast or meals will cut calories, but it often backfires. Hunger pangs can lead to overeating later, throwing your calorie intake off track. Regular meals, especially a protein-rich breakfast, keep your metabolism fired up and prevent blood sugar crashes that trigger cravings.

Diet food delusion: 

Don't be fooled by "diet" labels. Many processed diet foods are loaded with hidden sugars, unhealthy fats, and excessive sodium. They might be low in calories, but they often leave you feeling unsatisfied, leading to unhealthy snacking. Focus on whole, unprocessed foods for a more sustainable and nutritious approach.

Liquid calories lurk: 

Sugary drinks, sodas, and even some fruit juices pack a calorie punch without the filling fibre of whole fruits. These liquid calories don't register with your brain the same way solid food does, so you might end up consuming more calories overall. To quench your thirst without jeopardising your weight loss efforts, stick to black coffee, unsweetened tea, or water.

Fear of all fats: 

Fat isn't the enemy. Healthy fats from sources like nuts, avocados, and olive oil can keep you feeling full and satisfied. They also contribute to the regulation of hormones and the absorption of nutrients. Opt for healthy fats over processed junk food to keep your diet balanced and your body functioning optimally.

Healthy turned unhealthy: 

A healthy salad can become a calorie bomb with creamy dressings, croutons, and cheese. Watch out for seemingly healthy dishes loaded with hidden extras. Prepare your meals at home to control ingredients and portion sizes. Opt for herbs, spices, and low-fat dressings to keep your healthy choices truly healthy.

ALSO READ: Want to lose weight without dieting or exercise? Try these 5 effective tips and tricks to shed kilos


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