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5 healthy habits to incorporate during seasonal changes for optimal well-being

Listening to our bodies and taking breaks when needed is crucial in avoiding burnout and staying healthy during the season change. By taking care of our bodies, we can ensure that we can adapt and thrive during this transition period.

Written By: Kristina Das @ New Delhi Published on: June 27, 2024 11:46 IST
Tips to take care of your body during session change
Image Source : FREEPIK Tips to take care of your body during session change.

As the season changes, it is important to take care of our bodies to ensure good health and well-being. With the shift in weather, our bodies are more susceptible to changes and can easily become vulnerable to illnesses. When we spoke to Dr Arvind Patil Consultant, Internal Medicine & Diabetology, Apollo Clinic, Kharadi, he said that various changes may occur in one’s body with the shift of seasons. This is how you should treat yourself during this phase:

Hydration Is Key

The change from hot to humid weather can result in substantial sweating that could lead to dehydration. Symptom manifestations are dehydrated skin, dizziness, and weakness. It is advisable to keep oneself drinking often many kinds of liquid like water, herbal tea, or even fruit juice minus any added sugar so that you may remain hydrated.

Skincare Routine

During the wet season, oily skin can develop into acne vulgaris. Watch for increased oiliness on your skin, such as pimples breaking out. Begin including an exfoliator gradually in your skincare routine to get rid of peeling off cells on your face as well as change to lighter non-comedogenic lotions/moisturisers. This should help you prevent any fungal infection by dusting it all over with anti-fungal powder.

Boosting Immune System

Risks for infections heighten when monsoon sets in and throughout the rainy season with monsoon setting in resulting in contamination and infections. A weak immunity is susceptible to frequent colds and fatigue. Patients need to consume citrus fruits, garlic, and ginger to boost their immunity since these foods are rich sources of various antioxidants vital in enhancing immunity. Additionally, gut health problems may undermine overall immunity since they are closely related. Yoghurt is beneficial for gut health, which is closely related to immunity.

Foot Care Essentials

If you walk in the rain, it is not unusual for your feet to get fungal infections in addition to common skin irritations. Be on the alert for such symptoms as itching or redness. Ensure that your feet are always dry; put on waterproof shoes and use anti-fungal sprays or powders to avoid infections.

Balanced Diet

If weather changes occur, peoples’ digestion has to be affected so that they end up having bloating or gas, together with stomach aches among others including irregular bowel movements. Take more fibre in your diet, especially during those times when people grow crops as they come into season given they are generally high in nutrients, but avoid too much meat because it contains harmful fat to the body system likewise eat moderately during the rainy season lest you get sick due to consuming tainted street food.

Watching for these changes and symptoms while adopting these recommendations guarantees good health as we move from summer to monsoon.

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