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  4. 5 benefits of wearing Tulsi Mala, know its rules and how to wear

5 benefits of wearing Tulsi Mala, know its rules and how to wear

Know the top 5 benefits of wearing a Tulsi Mala, including its spiritual and health advantages, along with essential rules and guidelines for proper usage. Enhance your well-being and spiritual practice with this sacred accessory.

Written By: Muskan Gupta @guptamuskan_ New Delhi Published on: June 26, 2024 13:27 IST
Tulsi Mala
Image Source : SOCIAL 5 benefits of wearing Tulsi Mala

Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil, holds a revered place in Hinduism. Wearing a Tulsi Mala, a necklace made from the stems or roots of the Tulsi plant, is believed to bring spiritual, physical, and mental benefits. Here are five key benefits, along with the rules and guidelines for wearing a Tulsi Mala.

Benefits of Wearing Tulsi Mala

Spiritual Growth and Protection

Wearing a Tulsi Mala is said to enhance one's spiritual growth and provide protection against negative energies. It is believed to create a shield around the wearer, preventing harmful influences and promoting a sense of peace and spiritual well-being.

Health Benefits

Tulsi has medicinal properties that can benefit physical health. Wearing a Tulsi Mala can help regulate blood pressure, improve immunity, and provide relief from stress. The natural oils present in Tulsi are also known to have antibacterial and antiviral properties, which can help in maintaining overall health.

Enhanced Focus and Concentration

Meditating with a Tulsi Mala can improve focus and concentration. The act of counting the beads while chanting mantras helps in calming the mind and enhancing mental clarity. This practise can be particularly beneficial for students and professionals who need to stay focused and attentive.

Emotional Balance

Tulsi is known for its calming effects on the mind and body. Wearing a Tulsi Mala can help in managing emotions, reducing anxiety, and promoting a sense of inner peace. It is believed to balance the chakras and harmonise the emotional state of the wearer.

Connection with Divinity

Tulsi is considered sacred and is often associated with Lord Vishnu and his avatars. Wearing a Tulsi Mala can strengthen one’s connection with the divine, making it easier to engage in devotional practises and feel a deeper sense of spirituality.

Rules and How to Wear a Tulsi Mala

  • Purity and Cleanliness: Always ensure that your Tulsi Mala is kept pure and clean. It is recommended to wash it with water and avoid contact with unclean substances. Treating the Mala with respect is crucial as it is considered a sacred object.
  • Wearing Time: The best time to wear a Tulsi Mala is during the early morning after taking a bath and performing your daily prayers. It is also considered auspicious to wear it while meditating or performing spiritual practises.
  • Respect and Reverence: Always treat the Tulsi Mala with reverence. Avoid wearing it to inappropriate places such as restrooms or while consuming non-vegetarian food and alcohol. It is also advised to avoid wearing it during intimate activities.
  • Chanting Mantras: While wearing a Tulsi Mala, it is beneficial to chant mantras dedicated to Lord Vishnu or Krishna. This enhances the spiritual benefits and helps in maintaining the sanctity of the Mala.
  • Replacement and Disposal: If your Tulsi Mala breaks or wears out, it should be replaced respectfully. The old Mala can be immersed in a holy river or placed at the roots of a Tulsi plant. This ensures that the sanctity of the Mala is maintained even after it is no longer in use.

By adhering to these guidelines and understanding the benefits, you can make the most out of wearing a Tulsi Mala, enhancing both your spiritual and physical well-being.

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