We cant imagine the trauma this young boy must’ve been subjected to after his mom’s demise. Losing a parent is one of the hardest thing a person can deal in their life. But this teenage boy has defied all odds and moved over his hardship to work for a cause.
A Mexican teen lost his mother to breast cancer. But instead of lamenting his mother’s death, the boy decided to bring a breakthrough in medical science and help women all over the world.
Julian Rios Cantu is an 18-year-old CEO and co-founder of Higia Technologies which is devoted to boosting women’s quality of life. He was just 13-year-old when his mother was diagnosed second time with breast cancer. The tumour went from a size of rice grain to that of a golf ball in less than six months. Due to late diagnosis, first his mother lost both of her breasts and then ultimately, it costed her life.
Rios Cantu was determined to create an auto-exploration bra that helps women to detect breast cancer at an early stage. The device won the top prize at the Global Student Entrepreneur Awards in which 56 student entrepreneurs from 56 different countries participated.
How does ‘Eva’ work?
The auto-exploration bra is known as Eva. It has tactile sensors that map the surface of the breasts and monitor its colour, texture and temperature. The wearer can review their condition using a smartphone or a desktop.
When there is more blood, more heat, there would be changes in the temperature, it will tell you. If a persistent change is seen, it will recommend you to see a doctor.
The model is just a prototype and the creators estimate that it will take two years to complete. According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 82,000 women die of breast cancer in US alone!
Watch the video to understand ‘Eva’ better