Having pimple is one of the worst experiences for a person, be it male or female.The small ugly spot spoils the overall beauty like no other and makes a person feel miserable because of their appearance. It affects many people, but individuals between the age group of 10 and 35 face this problem the most.
Pimple begins to form when the excess oil is being produced by the body. And to get rid of this, people often go for many expensive products and waste their time and money.
So to save you from all the trouble, here we are presenting you some simple ingredients which will help you say good bye to the so called beauty spots -pimples. These ingredients are easily available at your home, let’s have a look.
1. Toothpaste

Ingredients in toothpaste have a drying effect which may reduce the redness and size of a pimple overnight.Take small amount of toothpaste and cover the affected area and see the results next morning.
2. Orange Peel

Ground the orange peel mix it with the warm water and apply on the pimple.Let it set on that area and then rinse it off.
3. Green Tea

Boil a small bowl of water and add a tea bag of green tea, stir well.Then wash face the pimple with this water and you will see the pimple diminishing.
4. Potato

Peel the potato, blend it well and apply on affected area.This paste will reduce the appearance of pimple, and removes the scars too.
5. Honey

Dab the pimple with honey and place a band- aid on it. Keep it overnight for the best results.
6. Tomato

Cut tomato in to half and blend it. Put the juice on the acne and keep it on for an hour and then wash it off.