Happy Mother's Day 2020: Wishes, WhatsApp messages, greetings, quotes, photos, HD images
Happy Mother's Day 2020: Wishes, WhatsApp messages, greetings, quotes, photos, HD images
Get Happy Mother's Day 2020 quotes, greetings, Facebook, WhatsApp status, messages, photos, HD images, pictures here. Send these beautiful and heart-warming messages to your mom and show that you love her to the moon and back.
Wish your mother on Mother's Day 2020 with these heart-warming quotes, greeting and photos.
Happy International Mother's Day 2020 Wishes images, Whatsapp messages, status, quotes
Mother's Day is a celebration of relentless love, sacrifice and care that mothers have towards their children. As children grow up, a mother's concern for them also multiplies. Her entire focus shifts to the well-being of her children or we can say, her life starts revolving around them. A quote by American author Mitch Albom perfectly sums up the epitome of care and love that mothers are. "When you look into your mother's eyes, you know that is the purest love you can find on this earth". Beautiful! We can't agree more! In most of the countries, Mother's Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of May, while several others celebrate the occasion on different dates according to their beliefs. Though we agree that one day is not enough to honour mothers, we have to acknowledge that this single day makes us feel lucky and grateful to have our moms. It makes us realise all the sacrifices that our mothers have done, each and every day throughout their life, and that too selflessly.
In India, this year Mother's Day is being celebrated on May 10. We know things are different this time due to lockdown. You won't be able to buy anything for her. But that's the least mothers care about. Your love and care is all that matter to her. Bake her a cake, prepare morning tea for her or breakfast if you can, draw a handmade card and thank her for tolerating all your tantrums and demands. If you are not with her, then do not forget to call and drop a sweet message expressing your gratitude and love.
Here are Mothers Day wishes, quotes and photos which you can send to your mom: