New Delhi: Work our in this nasty summer can be a big challenge for all women. But to keep yourself fit, you must need to work out daily.
Here’s listing the simplest and fun-to-do workouts for summer as suggested by fitness trainer Kiran Krishnakumar which you can either do at a fitness center or while just taking a stroll around the nearby community park.
1.Side Plank: This exercise tones several abdominal muscles. Lay down on the left side, keeping your knees straight. Use your left arm and elbow to support your upper body. Now, raise your hips, so that there is a straight line between your shoulders and ankles. Hold this position for 30 seconds while breathing normally and then ease out to the resting position. Turn and repeat the same from the right side of your body.
2. Second position plies: Stand with your feet spread wider than shoulder-width, slightly turn out your toes and bend your knees to lower your body so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Now, raise your arms overhead, while resting down and back the shoulders. Hold that position and breathe normally before pushing yourself back to the first position.
3. Single-leg Deadlift: A most widely-prescribed exercise, it takes care of the entire core, especially training the gluteus muscles. Bend your hips to tilt forward, simultaneously lowering your body at a comfortable rate and speed. Bend your knee so that your lower leg is rests in the air, parallel to the ground. Lower your upper body as much as you can and hold that position. Remember to breathe normally while in the hold position. While coming up, focus on the gluteus muscles to push your hips instead of putting the strain on your back. It is important to always keep your chest up and core engaged while performing this exercise.
4. Meditation: Remember to include meditation or any regular breathing exercises to cool your body down before concluding the work out. In fact, merely lying down, emptying your mind and deep breathing works wonderfully.
With IANS inputs