Once we start earning our daily bread, we spend most of our day at workplace by meeting deadlines, giving presentations, attending meetings, etc. It is a crucial place where we are struggling to stand out and make an impact. It is a competitive world, if slow then there are high chances we might lag behind. Our aim is to put best foot forward at work but sometimes we end up doing something willingly or unwillingly that can impede our growth in long-term. It is not just about work but also our behaviour with bosses and co-workers that matters. Here is a list of 5 mistakes that people often commit in their office.
CC'ing The Boss

We have been told to cc our boss in every email we send at our workplace. This may be correct in some of the cases, however at times it is completely unwanted. As per a research, if you are sending mail to a co-worker and you cc your boss then it may adversely affect mutual trust and relationship between both of you. It conveys the message that you don't trust the competence and integrity of that person. This can seriously hamper the work atmosphere. Think twice from now!
Waiting For The Assignments

It is a complete no, no! Why should you wait for the work to be given ? You can initiate. After you have finished the already assigned work, you can ask for more work. This will help in building a positive image in front of your boss. So, get started!
Accept Your Mistakes

We are humans and it is obvious that we will make mistakes. We like taking credit for our good work, so why doesn't the same applies when something goes haywire. Instead of hiding it, stand up and own up your mistakes. Offer solutions to fix it and don't react under these situations.
Not Replying or Late Replying To Emails

It is a world of emails and if you are slow at it, you need to ace your skills. Only learning to write a good email is not enough, replying to them on time is equally important. If you don't respond to emails then people may think you as inefficient and careless. Try replying within 12-24 hours.
Don't Be Busy Bee

Doing work in an unplanned manner may possibly create a mess. If you think that sticking to system gives an impression of an efficient employee, then you are probably wrong. Too busy at work means you take more than required time to get things done, hence you are incompetent.