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  5. Fight high blood pressure with these 5 savoury Indian dishes

Fight high blood pressure with these 5 savoury Indian dishes

High blood pressure is a common health problem for many people in India. These foods, however, meet both the health and taste requirements and are super easy to make as they are rich in potassium, iron and other healthy nutrients.

Edited By: Snigdha Behera @ New Delhi Updated on: June 25, 2024 11:30 IST
Fight high blood pressure
Image Source : FILE IMAGE Fight high blood pressure

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), only 12% of the population in India who suffer from hypertension have their blood pressure under control. This is an alarmingly low number and poses several health implications for the residents of the country. Known best for our culinary landscape of sweet and savoury foods, it might be surprising to learn that taste and health go hand in hand! Here are some Indian foods which can be enjoyed by both the mouth and body for those struggling with high blood pressure.

What causes high blood pressure?

As per the National Institute of Health, United States, there are many natural and lifestyle-related causes of high blood pressure. Some natural causes include the fact that high blood pressure usually develops with time and age. It can be attributed to lifestyle choices such as lack of exercise, poor dietary choices or even smoking and excess alcohol consumption. For individuals with health conditions such as obesity and diabetes can lead to increased blood pressure or circumstances such as pregnancy. 

Indian dishes to fight high blood pressure

Cucumber raita- This classic dish is one of the easiest to make and consume. Since cucumbers are primarily 95% water and potassium, flush out toxins from the bloodstream. The low-fat dairy products such as curd reduce blood pressure. 

Jowar roti- Jowar roti, composed of millet is rich in phytates (store of phosphorous) and phenols which bring down blood pressure. They are also a source of potassium which removes excess sodium from your body.

Moong dal chilla- Rich in fibre, potassium and iron, this dish is perfect for those craving for a traditional, warm meal. Along with being good for digestion, it can be eaten as a meal or even as a snack if one wishes.

Dahi bhindi- Another comfort dish, the dairy and ladyfinger combination is rich in potassium and boasts less fat as it combines with dairy. Apart from lowering blood pressure, it also reduces cholesterol in the blood.

Chana salad-  Channa or chickpeas have high mineral, magnesium and potassium content which prevents high blood pressure.

These healthy and simple recipes are sure to win over your heart, in more ways than one.

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