Actress Pooja Hegde, who shared the screen space with actor Hrithik Roshan in Mohenjo Daro, is all set to walk the ramp for designer Ridhi Mehra at Lakme Fashion Week (LFW) Summer/Resort 2018 edition.
Her collection will be titled Cinco which, according to the designer, will be a melange of cultural accents which Pooja is going to present.
The collection will showcase an amalgamation of five different cultures that have shaped her past collections, namely Islamic, Indian, Spanish, French and Chinese, said a statement.
Elements like Spanish open jackets and fringed shoulder epaulettes juxtaposed with delicate French flared sleeves and Islamic motifs are mirrored using Indian drapes and indigenous embroideries.
The collection will also feature alluring Chinoiserie and Islamic prints. In keeping with the brand's ideology of innovation, it has played with bugle beads in a manner to create optical illusion-like embroideries and have also given gota fabric a contemporary update.
The five- day fashion week will start from January 31, here.
(With IANS Inputs)