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  5. Want to remove blemishes and dark spots? Try these Ayurvedic face packs to brighten your skin

Want to remove blemishes and dark spots? Try these Ayurvedic face packs to brighten your skin

Do you also want to get rid of all skin-related problems? If yes, then you should try including some Ayurvedic face packs in your skincare routine.

Written By: Kristina Das @ New Delhi Updated on: June 24, 2024 19:00 IST
Try these Ayurvedic face packs to brighten your skin
Image Source : FREEPIK Try these Ayurvedic face packs to brighten your skin.

Skin-related problems often increase in summer and monsoon. If you also want to make your skin flawless, then you should try some Ayurvedic face packs. Let's know how to bring back the lost glow of your skin with the help of chemical-free methods. 

Ayurvedic face packs have been used for centuries in traditional Indian medicine to promote healthy, glowing skin. These face packs are made from natural ingredients such as herbs, spices, and oils that are known for their medicinal properties. One of the major benefits of Ayurvedic face packs is that they can help improve skin health without any harsh chemicals or synthetic ingredients. They are gentle on the skin and do not cause any side effects, making them suitable for all skin types. Additionally, Ayurvedic face packs are known to effectively treat various skin concerns such as acne, blemishes, dark spots, and wrinkles. 


Gram flour and turmeric

Face packs made of gram flour and turmeric have been used since the time of our grandmothers. All the elements found in these two things can prove to help make your skin flawless. To make this face pack, you will need two spoons of gram flour and a pinch of turmeric. Now prepare a paste of these two things with the help of rose water and then wash your face after applying it for 15 minutes. You will start seeing positive effects immediately after washing your face. 

Sandalwood and rosewater 

To make a face pack of sandalwood and rose water, you have to take both these things in a bowl and mix them well. To get better results, you have to apply this face pack for 10-15 minutes and then wash your face. With the help of this face pack, the lost glow of your skin can return.

Papaya and Honey

Papaya and honey will prove to be very beneficial for your health as well as your skin. To make a face pack at home, first, take out the pulp of papaya and then mix honey in it. Apply this face pack thoroughly on the face and then wash the face. This natural face pack made of papaya and honey can prove to be effective in removing your pimples. 

ALSO READ: Do you have dry skin problem? Use vitamin E capsules mixed with coconut oil to get amazing glow


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