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  5. Want to control hair fall? Try kalonji, curry leaves and rice mask; know how to make it

Want to control hair fall? Try kalonji, curry leaves and rice mask; know how to make it

If your hair is falling out fast then definitely apply this hair mask once. By using this mask, your hair will become stronger from the roots. Know how to make the hair mask easily at home.

Written By: Kristina Das @ New Delhi Published on: June 25, 2024 13:19 IST
Try kalonji, curry leaves and rice mask to control hair fall
Image Source : FREEPIK Try kalonji, curry leaves and rice mask to control hair fall.

If your hair is falling rapidly, then to control it, first of all, you should improve your lifestyle. Follow a good diet, and exercise regularly. After that, you should also try some of these homemade hair masks for your hair. Hair fall control masks are a popular and effective solution for those struggling with excessive hair fall. These masks are specially formulated to target the root cause of hair fall, nourish the scalp, and strengthen the hair strands. With this hair mask mentioned in the article, your hair will be strengthened from the roots and the problem of hair fall will be controlled. You can easily make this hair mask at home. To make this hair mask, you will have to turn to your kitchen. Let us tell you how to make this hair mask.

Ingredients for the hair mask: 

  • 1 tsp fenugreek seeds
  • 1 tsp kalonji
  • Curry leaves
  • 2 tsp rice
  • 1 tsp mustard oil

Method to make hair mask:

To make a hair mask, take boiled water the previous night. Add 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds, 1 teaspoon nigella seeds, curry leaves, and 2 teaspoons rice in that bowl. Now add some water to all these ingredients and then grind them very finely. Now take out this paste in a boil and keep it aside. Now add 1 teaspoon of mustard oil to this paste. Mix them well. Your hair pack is ready.

How to apply this hair mask to your hair? How to apply this hair mask to your hair?

Now apply it to the roots of your hair. Keep this hair mask on your hair for 40 minutes. Wash your hair after the stipulated time. Use this mask 2 days a week. This will make your hair stronger from the roots in a few months. 

ALSO READ:  Want to prevent hair fall? Try aloe vera to get stronger strands


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