Acne, one of the most annoying skin conditions, is a common skin problem caused by numerous factors, including pollution, food habits, a poor lifestyle, and hygiene habits.
Acne is caused by sebum and dead skin cells clogging hair follicles beneath the skin. It is challenging to know what to do when this occurs. However, to reduce outbreaks and give clear skin, beauty experts share their go-to, tried-and-true anti-acne face masks, which can be made at home.
Peach and tomato face mask:
In a bowl, combine tomato and peach pulp in equal quantities. Apply on a clean face and wash after 20 minutes with plain water. Peaches' high levels of Vitamin C brighten the face, and tomatoes' wonderful cleansing properties decrease oiliness.
Papaya face mask:
Mash a small piece of ripe papaya and a quarter of a cucumber. Add a teaspoon of yoghurt and honey to create a thicker consistency. Apply it to a clean face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Wash off. Papain, a significant enzyme in papaya, removes dead skin cells and works as an antibacterial to combat infection, making the skin look brighter and fresher.
Kasturi Manjal face mask
Make a paste with Kasturi manjal (a type of haldi), freshly powdered neem leaves, sandalwood powder, saffron, milk, and rosewater. Apply it to the face and wash after it dries. The face mask balances out skin tone, targets harmful germs, and enhances radiance.
Honey and oatmeal face mask
Combine honey and oatmeal powder. Use the mixture as a face mask, as oatmeal aids in the exfoliating of clogged pores while honey functions as an antimicrobial to stop acne flare-ups while hydrating the skin.
Egg white and mint face mask:
Another fantastic and simple at-home face mask can be made by whipping one egg white with a paste made up of mint leaves. The egg white aids in oil reduction, while the antioxidant-rich mint helps to maintain healthy, acne-free skin.
Next time your skin breaks out, try these face masks!