In a significant development, six hardcore Naxalites surrendered before Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Wednesday. The Naxalites include individuals from Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The Karnataka natives are Sundari Kutluru, Latha Mundagaru, Marappa Aroli, and Vanajakshi Balehole. Jisha hails from Wayanad in Kerala, while K. Vasanth is from Arcot in Tamil Nadu.
According to news agency PTI, sources said Naxalites recently held talks with progressive groups and decided to surrender after months of deliberations. The group was reportedly involved in various crimes and had rewards for their arrests.
The surrender was originally scheduled to take place in Chikkamagaluru, and the chief minister's official residence was shifted to Krishna to facilitate the process.
The surrender came a week after CM Siddaramaiah asked the Naxalites to stop violence and rejoin the mainstream democratic movement. He emphasised that the state government has made a simplified scheme for them to promote such activities.
The development highlighted the continued Naxal activities in the state following the killing of Vikram Gowda, an anti-Naxal leader, by an anti-Naxal force in Udupi district on 20 November.