Karnataka High Court on Monday rejected the plea seeking cancellation of the FIR against Bengaluru techie Atul Subhash's Nikita Singhania in connection with the alleged suicide case. The court observed that it cannot annul the complaint filed against Singhania as prima facie ingredients of the offence are made out in the complaint.
“Where is the question of short-circuiting investigation in such a matter, why don't you want the investigation to happen?” asked a single judge Justice S R Krishna Kumar, while refusing to stay further investigation in the suicide abetment case.
Subhash’s wife, family members get bail in suicide abetment case
Earlier, a city civil court in Bengaluru on Saturday granted bail to Subhash’s wife, her mother Nisha Singhania and brother Anurag Singhania. According to the prosecution, the three accused appeared before the court.
The 34-year-old techie ended his life on December 9 in Bengaluru, alleging harassment at the hands of his estranged wife and her family.
Subhash had alleged that his in-laws had pressurised him to pay Rs 3 crore for divorse. Based on his 40-page suicide note and a one-and-half-hour video explaining the situation that drove him to take the drastic step, the police booked the trio, arrested them and brought them from Uttar Pradesh to Bengaluru.