Bengaluru city civil court on Saturday granted bail to Nikita Singhania, wife of Atul Subhash who died by suicide, along with his mother-in-law Nisha Singhania and brother-in-law Anurag Singhania. Bengaluru AI engineer Atul Subhash committed suicide on December 9, he was found dead in his apartment. As per the 90-minute video and a 40-page note left by him, he took the extreme step after being pressured to pay Rs 3 crore for a divorce. Nikita Singhania is accused of abetting the suicide of her husband.
Atul Subhash's wife bail
Atul Subhash's wife Nikita Singhania, her mother Nisha Singhania and brother Anurag Singhania had approached the session court in Bengaluru for bail in the case. They had earlier appealed to the Karnataka High Court to direct the session court to dispose of their bail Petition. The High Court directed the session court to dispose of the petition today, January 4.
Vacation judge Justice Hemant Chandanagoudar passed this order after hearing a petition filed by her and other accused, observing that grounds of arrest were not shown.
Nikita Singhania was arrested on Decemnber 14
On December 14, Nikita Singhania was arrested from Gurugram while her mother and brother Anurag were apprehended from Uttar Pradesh's Prayagraj. "Accused A1 Nikita Singhania has been arrested from Gurugram, Haryana. Accused A2 Nisha Singhania and Accused A3 Anurag Singhania were arrested from Allahabad and were produced before the court and given to judicial custody," Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) White Field Division, Bengaluru, Shivakumar said in a release.
Bengaluru Police arrested Nikita Singhania, along with her mother and brother, who were subsequently remanded to 14-day judicial custody.
An FIR has been filed under Sections 108 and 3 (5) of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita (BNS) following a complaint by Bikas Kumar, who accused them of abetting the suicide.
Atul Subhash, in his suicide note claimed that his wife had filed nine cases against him under various sections, including murder, sexual misconduct, harassment for money, domestic violence, and dowry.
In the divorce case, the court had ordered Subhash to pay Rs 20,000 for his son's maintenance. The settlement was done by the court in July 2024. However, the maintenance sum was increased to Rs 40,000 per month. the wife had also requested the court for other amounts which was rejected by the court.