RRB ALP 2025 exam: The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has canceled the computer-based test (CBT) stage 2 for the Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) recruitment exam scheduled for March 19, 2025. This decision was made due to unforeseen technical issues encountered during both shift 1 and shift 2 exams.
According to the official notice, candidates experienced problems during shift 1, where the papers failed to load on the server properly, despite being seated at their systems for an extended duration. As a result, the board opted to cancel both shifts of the exam for the day to ensure fairness.
What did the official notice state?
The official notice reads, ''Due to unforeseen technical issues, the exams scheduled on 19.03.2025 (Shift-1 & 2) are being rescheduled for centers where the exam could not be conducted. The new exam date will be notified shortly. Candidates are advised to regularly check the official website for further updates.
18,799 vacancies to be filled
This recruitment drive aims to fill a total of 18,799 vacancies for the Assistant Loco Pilot positions. The first stage of the exam was conducted from November 25 to 29, with results declared on January 26. The board will soon announce the new date in due course. Candidates have been advised to keep checking the official website for the latest updates.