In a significant move, Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi announced that havildars, constables and sepoys working under the state police would get an additional month's salary. This announcement was made by the chief minister in the 45th annual convention of Havildar, Constable and Sepoy Mahasangh held on Monday.
While addressing the event, he added that havildars, constables and sepoys would get a revised remuneration including an additional one month's salary. Along with their salary, their transport, and uniform allowance will also be increased. According to the information, the motorcycle allowance (earlier bi-cycle allowance) will be increased from Rs 300 to Rs 1,000 and the uniform allowance including shoes will be increased from Rs 5,000 to Rs 10,000. This announcement came after demands from the police association.
New office to be set up
Apart from this, he also announced that a new office for the Odisha Police Havildar-Constable-Sepoy Association will be set up in Bhubaneswar. The CM also said that the constable, havildar and sepoy will get Rs 10,000 as clothing allowance.
Necessary steps for class 4 employees
The chief minister also said that necessary steps will be taken regarding the recruitment of Class IV employees.
Majhi praises police contribution
On this occasion, he praised the contributions of sepoy, havildar and constables to the society. He appreciated their work done in chilly winters, heavy rain and hard summers. He said that the main mantra of the state's police is ''Service and Safety''. He called upon them to work with full responsibility and sensitivity. He also appreciated the role of the state police during the simultaneous Lok Sabha and Assembly elections.
"The grassroots level law and order is properly maintained by these personnel," the chief minister, said adding that the state government was sympathetic towards constables, havildars and sepoys.
(With Inputs from PTI)