Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath announced 7 lakh jobs provided across departments, including 1.60 lakh in education and 1.56 lakh in police. He emphasised reservation compliance and transparency in recruitment. In the previous government, 56 out of 86 posts were filled from one caste. In the SP government, the chairman of the UP Public Service Commission was someone who was not even fit to be a teacher.
Two crore youth secure job
Earlier, in a function organized to distribute appointment letters to 701 selected foresters, the chief minister Yogi Adityanath said, the government is ensuring transparency in the recruitment process and bringing an end to nepotism. He stated that the state's economy has doubled in seven and half years. More than seven lakh youth secured jobs and two crore connected to employment in the last seven and half years.
He also added that 20 per cent of all recruitment positions in Uttar Pradesh are reserved for women and a significant number of candidates will be selected in the upcoming police recruitment drive.