UPSC CSE Prelims 2021: With just a few days left for the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) civil service exam (CSE) prelims, candidates are busy at their last leg of preparations. According to topper Shubham Kumar, candidates should attempt the mock tests and revise the previous year papers thoroughly to get accustomed to the preliminary exam paper. Shubham prepared Science & Technology, Environment sections thoroughly, as according to him, these are the scoring sections.
"I found Science and Technology, Environment sections quite scoring so I revised it thoroughly, and it actually helped me to score more in the prelims paper. I attempted at least six mock tests every day months before the exam to get accustomed to the paper," Shubham said. The UPSC Prelims will be held on October 10, and it will contain two papers - General Studies (Paper 1), CSAT (Paper 2).
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Apart from the day-to-day preparations, Shubham advised candidates to read newspapers and list down important events. "Regarding any important events, I went through the paper and checked the details through Google. Also, candidates can go through ministry websites, PIB, United Nations, UNSC to get more details of national and internationally important events."
Shubham also suggested to candidates not to revise any new topics at the last minute. "Go through the topics only you have prepared. Don't try to mug up any new contents at the last minute, that will puzzle you and hamper your preparations," he said. "The last one-year content of Current Affairs is enough to cover the GK section. The candidates should revise the topics thoroughly, and a few days are left, the candidates should plan accordingly which sections or chapters to put more stress or revise. To get accustomed to the prelims paper, the candidates can attempt mock tests before the exam, and should go through the previous year's papers," the topper advised.
Regarding attempting the prelims paper, Shubham said that relaxing your mind is most important on the day of the exam. "Reach exam centre half an hour before the exam, relax and meditate before taking paper. A calm mind helps you to do well in the exam. Read questions thoroughly, and try not to leave to complete at last," he said.
Shubham's tricks to attempt multiple-choice questions (MCQ) s are- "Eliminate the incorrect options first and then choose the right options. Analyse the correct options, read the questions thoroughly and then answer. The process, will help you to score more in the prelims exam," said the topper.
For mains preparation, Shubham's advise to candidates is not to wait for prelims results, and start the preparation day after the prelims. "If you wait for the result, then you will surely be out of the race for the civil service exam. Start preparing, if you make your mindset to be an IAS/ IFS, then you should carry on your preparation without wasting time. If you could not be successful in prelims this year, the preparation will surely help you to succeed in the next attempt," he said.
"The candidates should focus on preparing good notes, practice test series, choose scoring optional papers and practice writing answers. To clear mains, your quality of answers should be constructive and good, the candidates should focus on it," he said.
Though UPSC aspirants feared the interview a lot, Shubham assured the aspirants that it checks their personality and in-depth knowledge of the subject. "I was asked questions from the rural, agro sector, various policies of the government, and the confident answers helped me to clear the interview," Shubham advised aspirants preparing for UPSC to be consistent, work hard, and be patient. Consistency according to Shubham, is the key to success.
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