The Vande Bharat Express, one of India's most luxurious and popular trains, is set to conquer the hills. Soon, it will begin operations in mountainous regions, making it the first of its kind to navigate these challenging terrains. Railway officials have confirmed that the train will function seamlessly even in extreme conditions, including heavy snowfall and temperatures as low as -10 degrees Celsius.
Prepared for extreme weather
Built under the "Make in India" initiative, the specially designed Vande Bharat Express is equipped to handle harsh weather conditions. This development coincided with the launch of the much-awaited Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link (USBRL) project, which will extend comfortable rail services to the Kashmir Valley.
Speaking about the project, the officials noted that the idea of the railway began in 1898 but was delayed because of the difficulties of building a railway in the mountains and now because of advances in technology; therefore, the vision is finally becoming a reality.
Special features of the train
Chief Mechanical Engineer, Northern Railway, Amrendra Kumar Chandra, highlighted the extraordinary capabilities of the train:
- Self-heating windshields: Prevent ice buildup by using small heating elements.
- Hot water wipers: Designed to effectively clean snow during operation.
- Ice cutters: Installed to clear snow from tracks, allowing for better running.
- Temperature-controlled washrooms: They are equipped with regulated heating for optimal use even in snowy conditions.
- Air dryer brakes: Prevent moisture from building up in the brake system when ice is present.
- Heated water tanks: Specially wired to heat the water for up to three hours without electricity.
Faster connectivity
According to CPRO Himanshu Shekhar, the train will reduce travel time significantly. "The journey from Jammu to Srinagar, which takes 8-9 hours by road, will now be completed in just 4-5 hours by train. This marks a major step in connecting Kanyakumari to Kashmir seamlessly," he said.
The train is ready for operation, pending final approvals. With its launch, India’s northernmost regions will experience faster, safer, and more comfortable travel, even in extreme weather conditions.
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