The Northern Railway on Tuesday announced the train timings for the Katra-Srinagar route. Just 3 days back, Meandering through the Himalayas and snow-capped mountains, the first trial train successfully ran on the Katra-Banihal section on Saturday, in a crucial step towards the final statutory safety inspection next week to determine the commencement of rail services to Kashmir.
While the Vande Bharat will leave Katra at 8:10 am and reach Srinagar at 11:20 am, the Mail Express will leave Katra at 9:50 am and reach Srinagar at 1:10 pm. The Mail Express will leave Katra at 3 pm and reach Srinagar at 6:20 pm.
Here are the Srinagar to Katra train timings
- Mail Express will depart from Srinagar at 8:55 am and reach Katra at 12:05 pm
- Vande Bharat will depart from Srinagar at 12:45 pm and reach Katra at 3:55 pm.
- Mail Express will depart from Srinagar at 3:10 pm and reach Katra at 6:30 pm.
In November, Minister of State for Railways Ravneet Singh announced that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to inaugurate the Vande Bharat train connecting Kashmir to New Delhi on the USBRL project in January. With the expected commissioning of train services in phases, the Railways will complete 255 km of the 272-kilometre USBRL project, leaving only a small stretch between Katra and Reasi to be finished by December.
(Anamika Gaur)