In a heart-wrenching incident, five members of a family were found dead in their rented accommodation in the Pandrethan area of Srinagar on Sunday evening, officials said. The deceased include a couple and their three young children, who hailed from the Uri area of Baramulla district in Jammu and Kashmir. Authorities were alerted by neighbours who grew concerned after noticing an unusual silence and lack of activity from the family throughout the day.
Preliminary investigations revealed the family died due to asphyxiation, the officials said. The police have launched a detailed inquiry, and forensic teams have been called in to examine the scene.
Further details are awaited as authorities continue their investigation into the matter. The family’s relatives in Uri have been informed, and the bodies are being sent for post-mortem to determine the precise cause of death. Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha and Chief Minister Omar Abdullah expressed their grief over the incident.
Kishtwar accident claims four lives
Meanwhile, in a separate tragedy in the Kishtwar district of Jammu and Kashmir, four people lost their lives in a road accident. Officials reported that a vehicle carrying six passengers skidded off the road and plunged into a river.
Rescue teams recovered the bodies of the deceased but are still searching for two missing individuals, including the vehicle's driver. Efforts to locate the missing persons have been intensified, with authorities working tirelessly to conclude the rescue operation.
(With PTI inputs)
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