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Weight Loss: 5 household chores that can actually help burn calories, melt fat at home

Know how to shed pounds without hitting the gym by incorporating these 5 calorie-burning household chores into your routine. Efficient fat-melting tasks for a healthier lifestyle from the comfort of home.

Written By: Muskan Gupta @guptamuskan_ New Delhi Published on: June 06, 2024 10:25 IST
household chores for weight loss
Image Source : SOCIAL 5 household chores for weight loss

When it comes to shedding those extra pounds, hitting the gym or going for a run might be the first things that come to mind. However, did you know that you can burn calories and melt fat right in the comfort of your own home while doing everyday household chores? That's right! From vacuuming to doing laundry, here are five household chores that can help you achieve your weight loss goals without stepping foot outside.


Forget about just cleaning the floors; vacuuming can also give your body a good workout. Pushing and pulling the vacuum cleaner engages multiple muscle groups, including your arms, shoulders, core, and legs. Depending on the intensity and duration, vacuuming can burn anywhere from 80 to 150 calories per half hour.


Give your floors a sparkling clean while giving your body a workout. Mopping requires you to bend, twist, and move your arms, engaging your core, arms, and lower body muscles. Similar to vacuuming, mopping can burn around 100 to 150 calories per half hour.


Tending to your garden not only beautifies your outdoor space but also burns calories. Digging, planting, weeding, and watering all involve physical movement that can elevate your heart rate and strengthen your muscles. Depending on the intensity of your gardening tasks, you can burn between 200 to 400 calories per hour.

Doing Laundry

Sorting, folding, and carrying laundry baskets may seem mundane, but they can contribute to your calorie-burning efforts. Moving around, lifting, and bending while doing laundry engage various muscle groups, particularly in your arms, shoulders, and core. An hour of doing laundry can help you burn around 100 to 150 calories.

Cleaning Windows

Climbing up and down a ladder, reaching, and scrubbing while cleaning windows provide an effective upper body workout. Your arms, shoulders, and core muscles work together to maintain balance and perform the cleaning motions. Depending on the size and number of windows you clean, you can burn approximately 100 to 150 calories per half hour.

Incorporating these household chores into your daily routine not only helps you maintain a clean and organised home but also contributes to your weight loss journey. Remember to vary your chores, increase intensity when possible, and maintain proper form to maximise calorie burn and fat loss. So, the next time you're tempted to skip household chores, think of them as an opportunity to get fit while keeping your living space in tip-top shape.

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