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Tooth loss and chronic renal disease may be related in postmenopausal women: Study

Study links chronic kidney disease to tooth loss in postmenopausal women, suggesting a connection between bone health and oral health. Early detection and management are crucial for both.

Written By: Rahul Pratyush @29_pratyush New Delhi Published on: June 21, 2024 17:05 IST
Tooth loss
Image Source : FREEPIK Tooth loss linked to kidney disease in older women

The kidneys play a crucial role in overall health by removing waste from the bloodstream. Failure to effectively filter out foreign substances can lead to severe and potentially fatal medical conditions. A recent study suggests a possible connection between tooth loss and chronic kidney disease, with the survey's results published in the Menopause journal by The Menopause Society.

After menopause, a woman's kidney function decreases gradually, often influenced by reduced levels of reproductive hormones. Changes in these hormones during menopause commonly lead to abdominal obesity, which is linked to higher chances of tooth loss and also serves as an independent risk factor for chronic kidney disease development.

Kidney disease leads to a range of outcomes, including higher risks for bone and heart issues. Tooth loss, indicating oral health, is linked to conditions like diabetes, thyroid disorders, and osteoporosis, and is also independently linked to greater stroke risk. Severe tooth loss can hinder chewing and speech abilities as well.

Previous research has established a link between kidney health and the number of teeth. In a recent study involving almost 65,000 participants, researchers examined the connection between chronic kidney disease and tooth loss specifically in postmenopausal women of varying ages. This study is notable for being the first of its kind to explore this relationship comprehensively. The findings indicate a significant correlation between the glomerular filtration rate, which measures kidney function, and the presence of at least 20 adult teeth out of 28 total. This suggests a notable association between chronic kidney disease and tooth loss, particularly among postmenopausal women aged between 66 and 79 years old.

These findings suggest that preventing and managing mineral and bone metabolism disorders in postmenopausal women with chronic kidney disease is crucial to preventing tooth loss. It is also important to address kidney disease progression, as the consequences affect multiple body systems beyond just oral health.

Survey results are published in the article "Chronic kidney disease in postmenopausal women is associated with tooth loss."

"This study highlights the known link between chronic kidney disease and bone metabolism. Increased attention to oral and bone health is warranted in postmenopausal women with chronic kidney disease, in addition to meticulous efforts aimed at preserving kidney function. Conversely, oral health is a window to overall health, and good oral hygiene is important for women of all ages," said Dr. Stephanie Faubion, medical director for The Menopause Society. 

(with ANI inputs)

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