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  4. Taking vitamin D supplements blindly can be dangerous for health; know who needs it

Taking vitamin D supplements blindly can be dangerous for health; know who needs it

Nowadays everyone has started taking vitamin D supplements. Some people buy vitamin D medicines from medical stores and consume them without even getting tested. If you also do this, then let us tell you that new research has found that young people do not need vitamin D supplements.

Written By: Kristina Das @ New Delhi Updated on: June 25, 2024 15:45 IST
Taking vitamin D supplements blindly can be dangerous for health
Image Source : FREEPIK Taking vitamin D supplements blindly can be dangerous for health.

Vitamin D is not a magic pill that can be taken without thinking of any problem. Some people start taking vitamin D without getting tested. For some time now, people have been facing a lot of vitamin D deficiency. Doctors recommend taking vitamin D supplements after testing, but now new research by the United Endocrine Society says that young people should not take vitamin D supplements without thinking. Instead of taking vitamin D medicines, emphasis should be given to fulfilling the daily requirement. Vitamin D is more of a hormone than a vitamin, which is necessary for various functions of the body. Excessive supplements can harm you.

Vitamin D is a hormone

This research says that, unlike other vitamins, Vitamin D does not need to be supplemented by taking supplements from outside. Our body makes it from its ingredients. Technically speaking, Vitamin D is not a vitamin but a hormone. That is why health experts also exercise caution before giving Vitamin D supplements.

Is Vitamin D a Magic Pill?

Just because of the name of the vitamin and the way it is being promoted as a health pill on social media, people often start taking vitamin D supplements without giving it a second thought. 

Vitamin D is produced in the skin after exposure to sunlight. Then the liver and kidneys change it into its active form. After which it is used for various functions of the body.

When is a Vitamin D test needed?

If you feel that there is a deficiency of vitamin D in the body, then first consult your doctor. If there is muscle weakness, body pain or difficulty in getting up and sitting, then considering these conditions, the doctor recommends a test.

Who needs vitamin D supplements?

If the doctor after the test advises to take vitamin D supplements and finds that there is a deficiency of vitamin D in the body, then you can take it. The main reason for vitamin D deficiency in India is our food. Unlike Western countries, where food items like milk, juice, flour or bread are generally not rich in vitamin D. Therefore, there may be a deficiency of vitamin D in the body during pregnancy. Supplements can be given to newborn children if there is a deficiency of vitamin D in their body. Senior citizens, i.e. after 70-75 years, can take vitamin D supplements. 

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